As our oceans become more acidic they may corrode the skins of sharks

Climate change will make the oceans more acidic and could damage sharks’ skin. Increased acidity corrodes the sharks’ denticles – microscopic tooth-like scales that cover their skin – which may impair their swimming.

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Lagos beaches have a microplastic pollution problem

Plastic debris is everywhere and has grabbed the attention of environmental policy makers and regulators. When this plastic breaks up into smaller particles – less than 5mm in size – they are called microplastics. In some cases, they can only be seen under a microscope.

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Global action needed to beat plastic pollution

The danger posed by single-use plastic products to human and animal health should never be underestimated.

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MBL Partners with Swedish Embassy to Keep Blue Oceans Momentum Alive

The Embassy of Sweden has taken steps to keep the momentum of the March 2019 Blue Oceans Conference in Liberia alive through partnership with Miss Boss Lady (MBL) Liberia. With funding of approximately US$40,000.00 MBL will engage stakeholders, including youths and coastal communities in Montserrado, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Bassa, and Margibi counties in massive awareness activities. The awareness will focus on marine pollution, sustainable fishing and climate change.

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Leaders gather to dissect problems to a successful blue economy

A high-level panel on sustainable ocean economy has kicked off in Mombasa with government officials rooting for joint efforts in addressing several factors hindering the region from benefits of the blue economy.

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