RFP: Individual Consultant to undertake an Assessment of the vulnerability and adaptation of West Africa's marine and coastal ecosystems to climate change

The IOCAFRICA  Secretariat, is seeking to employ the services of an individual consultant to conduct a desktop assessment on the vulnerability and adaptation of West Africa's marine and coastal ecosystems. The assessment will focus on the coastal countries of West Africa and will contribute to fostering and informing ongoing and constructive dialogues on climate change in West Africa within various platforms, including within the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the African Union, and regional bodies, and national authorities.

See the attached RFP for detailed information: 


South America and Africa once tore apart and formed an oceanic crust. Its evidence lies in Angola

A research team from the Southern Methodist University (SMU) have discovered rocks and fossils in Angola which speak about how South America and Africa tore apart nearly 140 million years ago and led to the formation of the South Atlantic Ocean.

The team found the rocks and fossils which belonged to the long-extinct marine reptiles in Angola.

According to the research team, the southern coast of Angola is filled with the most complete geological record of the breaking of the two continents and the coming up of the South Atlantic Ocean.

The scientists found the fossils and rocks which dated back from 71 million years to 130 million years ago. 

SMU professor emeritus of Earth Sciences and lead author of the study Louis L Jacobs said, “There are places that you can go to in South America, for instance, where you can see this part of the split or that part of it, but in Angola, it’s all laid out in one place."

“Before this, there was not a place known to go and see the rocks on the surface that really reflected the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, because they’re now in the ocean or eroded away,” he added.

Here's what the rocks from Angola tell about the breaking of the continent

Nearly 140 million years ago, Africa and South America started breaking off which caused gashes on the crust of the Earth and led to the opening up of the rifts along the pre-existing weaknesses. 

The tectonic plates beneath Africa and South America moved apart which led to magma from the mantle of Earth rising to the surface and forming a new oceanic crust while pushing the continents in opposite directions.

The gap between the two newly-formed continents was eventually filled with the South Atlantic Ocean.

“It’s one thing for a geophysicist to be able to look at seismic data and make inferences from that. It’s quite another thing to be able to take a school field trip out to the rock formations, or outcrops, and say this is when the lava was spreading from eastern South America. Or this was when it was a continuous land," said study co-author Michael J. Polcyn.


Training on The Implementation of FAIR Principles to African Marine and Coastal Data

UNESCO-IOCAFRICA in partnership with the Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) undertook a joint training on ‘The Implementation of FAIR Principles to African Marine and Coastal Data’. The blended training organized in the KMFRI headquarters, Mombasa Kenya, between 23- 26 September 2024, aimed at impacting and sharing skills with practitioners in research and data management, focusing on ocean and coastal zones in Africa. The training was attended by 22 participants, drawn from 16 IOCAFRICA member states.

Preference was given to data managers in the National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) and Associated Data Units (ADUs) in Africa, affiliated to the UNESCO International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) program. Among other issues, the hands-on training session focused on addressing key issues such as:

  • Remapping critical ocean data gaps in different African countries,
  • Providing information on methods to strengthen data quality control procedures
  • Training participants on publishing data for inclusion in scientific papers and data repositories
  • Providing mechanisms to members states for contributing and accessing data through African regional nodes for platforms such as the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) and the Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS)

The training will go a long way in supporting marine research and sustainable development. In addition, it will initiate and facilitate a continuous dialogue geared towards identification and addressing specific end-user group needs for data, information, and digital infrastructure.


Explore Africa’s Future: Africa Blue Economy Week 2024 Set to Make a Splash

The African Union Commission (AUC), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and key stakeholders, is thrilled to announce the Africa Blue Economy Week (ABEW-24) and the Commemoration of the Africa Day of Seas and Oceans. Taking place from 23 to 25 July in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the event is set to boost inclusive and sustainable blue growth across Africa.

Africa’s vast coastline and abundant marine resources offer exceptional opportunities for transformative economic and social development. However, this potential has been hindered by environmental degradation, overexploitation and infrastructure deficits. ABEW-24 seeks to tackle these challenges to unlock Africa's blue potential.

Empowering Africa's Blue Renaissance

This year's theme, “Empowering Africa's Blue Renaissance”, highlights the need for collective effort and innovation to build a dynamic blue sector. ABEW-24 unites leaders from various sectors to foster dialogue, celebrate achievements and explore the blue economy’s role in advancing development goals such as poverty alleviation and climate resilience.

H.E. Ambassador Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, AU Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), highlights the event's unique opportunity to reflect on the vast potential of Africa's blue economy and to reaffirm the commitments to the sustainable use and conservation of our seas and oceans in line with Aspiration 1 (A prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development) and Goal 6 (Blue/Ocean economy for accelerated economic growth) of Agenda 2063.

As the UNDP Regional Director for Africa, Ahunna Eziakonwa, emphasizes, this event signifies a major opportunity for Africa: “The Africa Blue Economy Week 2024 is a pivotal moment for our continent to tap into the immense potential of our freshwater and marine resources. By unlocking even, a fraction of the global blue economy's $1.5 trillion value, we can significantly boost GDP, create millions of jobs and enhance food security.”

The objectives of ABEW-24 are multifaceted. They focus on raising awareness about the blue economy by highlighting its significance, benefits, and challenges. The event aims to foster dialogue among government officials, industry leaders, development partners, researchers, civil society, and youth groups, promoting opportunities for collaboration. It will also provide a platform for policymakers to discuss and develop new frameworks and strategies for a sustainable blue economy in Africa.

Additionally, ABEW addresses trade and investment priorities within the blue economy, leveraging the opportunities presented by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). A crucial aspect of the event is empowering youth by amplifying their voices, supporting youth-led initiatives, and encouraging blue entrepreneurship and innovation.

High-Level Plenary Sessions and Partner-Led Workshops

ABEW-24 includes thematic tracks and sessions focused on crucial areas of the blue economy, including balancing economic growth with ocean health, positioning Africa as a major player in global maritime business, promoting responsible coastal tourism, and examining connections between blue finance, trade and policy. A dedicated session will focus on empowering youth and women, highlighting their roles in shaping the future of the blue economy.

The event includes high-level plenary sessions with keynote speeches from government officials and experts. Partners will lead workshops and discussions on topics such as sustainable fisheries, marine conservation, renewable energy, maritime security, trade and transport.

Celebrating the African Day of Seas and Oceans

The African Day of Seas and Oceans, celebrated annually on 25 July, is a feature of ABEW-24. This day underscores the tremendous value of Africa's aquatic resources and the need for sustainable management to support economic growth, food security and environmental health. The celebration aligns with the Decade of African Seas and Oceans (2015–2025), highlighting efforts to protect and utilize these resources.

The African Union highlights the importance of this collective effort. “This event will foster inclusive and sustainable blue growth and address the critical role of the blue economy in achieving our broader development goals. The event reminds us of the interconnectedness of our world and the shared responsibility we must protect our oceans, “said H.E. Amb. Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, AU Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Blue Economy (ARBE).

Join us in Addis Ababa to shape the future of Africa's blue economy and contribute to a sustainable and prosperous continent!

About the African Union Commission’s Blue Economy Division

The AU Commission (AUC) institutionalized the Blue Economy Division in its governance arrangement following the 2019 institutional reform. Since then, African Leaders have decided to embed it as a key component of the mandate of the AUC. To this end, the institutional reform process of the AUC endowed its senior leadership with the blue economy portfolio. It established a Blue Economy Division in May 2021 with the primary goal of implementing the Africa Blue Economy Strategy and contributing to the agenda 2063. Learn more at https://au.int/en/directorates/sustainable-environment


Call for African Experts for writing policy briefs

Dear experts,
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Sub-Commission for Africa and the Adjacent Island States (IOCAFRICA), in partnership with the African Group of Negotiators Expert Support (AGNES), is facilitating a collaborative effort to develop policy briefs focused on critical ocean-related issues. These briefs will aim to support policymakers and negotiators by offering key insights and recommendations on topics: understanding loss and damage in African oceans and climate finance in relation to oceans. Please refer to the attached concept note for further details.
If you are interested and available to contribute to this important initiative, kindly send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., specifying the title of the policy brief you wish to contribute to on the subject.
We look forward to your participation.

Towards a Sustainable Blue Economy for Africa

Debating Ideas reflects the values and editorial ethos of the African Arguments book series, publishing engaged, often radical, scholarly, original and activist writing from within the African continent and beyond. It offers debates and engagements, contexts and controversies, and reviews and responses flowing from the African Arguments books. It is edited and managed by the International African Institute, hosted at SOAS University of London, the owners of the book series of the same name.

Water defines communities, eras and livelihoods. It means different things to different people. To some, it holds ancestral and traditional values, for others it symbolises superstition or fear, and for some others still, it embodies lifestyles and supports livelihoods. Thirty-two of fifty-five member states of the African Union are coastal states and another six are islands or archipelagos. This means that about one-third of African countries are landlocked and must rely on their coastal neighbours for much of their imports. The continent only represents 7 per cent and 5 per cent respectively of maritime exports and imports by volume in a world in which 90 per cent of global international trade is sea-borne.

Africa is host to a vast body of Blue Economy resources. Africa’s coastal and island states include an estimated 13 million km² of ocean territory. The continent includes over 30,000 km of coastline and over 1.5 million km2 of Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs). Africa also boasts an extensive network of inland freshwater sources, including seven major rivers (over 2,000 km long), lakes and wetlands, spanning all five of the continent’s regional economic mechanisms in Central, East, North, Southern and West Africa.

The relationship of Africa’s peoples to the continent’s waters has not always been harmonious. Many of these sources of water provided channels through which Africans were transported into slavery overseas throughout the 17th century. Many perished. European contests over the control of Africa’s waters subsequently framed the Scramble for Africa in the late 19th century. The General Act, adopted at the end of the Berlin Conference which partitioned the continent in February 1885, acknowledged that its goal was “to assure to all nations the advantages of free navigation on the two chief rivers of Africa flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.”

Unsurprisingly, the erasure of African history has, incredibly, also been indexed to water. Thus, in schools across the continent, children are taught how different Europeans “discovered” different bodies of water in Africa, from West Africa’s River Niger to Southern Africa’s Victoria Falls. Today, many of these sources of water and the livelihoods built around them are under multi-dimensional threat from pillage, pollution, and piracy. The consequences are evident.

It is estimated that 80 per cent of the population of the archipelago of São Tomé and Príncipe is afraid of the Ocean and cannot swim. In West and Central Africa, the myth of Mami Wata (“mother water” in Pidgin English) who represents both the positive benefits – transport, trade, wealth and fish – and the negative associations – floods and drownings – of rivers and lakes also contributes to the fear of large water spaces. On the other hand and in a strange turn of fate, the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea are once again sources of trafficking of Africans as thousands of impoverished fishers who are victims of illegal fishing and crime at sea, and unemployed youths around the continent trundle away for greener pasture despite the risks and frequent deaths.

In this context, it may seem difficult to find cause to celebrate or commemorate the African Day of Seas and Oceans.

Yet, that is exactly what the world will and should be doing on 25 July, designated by the African Union (AU) since 2015 as the day to raise awareness of the continent’s enormous water challenges and the need to sustainably harness its rich marine resources and biodiversity. Nine years later, the AU itself is only just beginning to scratch the surface with various blue economy initiatives, thanks to the adoption of the Africa Blue Economy Strategy (ABES) in implementation of the recommendations of the Blue Economy Summit held in Nairobi in 2018.

The AU is not alone in seeking to promote a blue economy in Africa. Many multilateral institutions appear eager to promote sustainable marine economies on the continent. Proposed initiatives of relevance here include the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for sustainable development (UN Decade of Ocean Vision 2030) and its Africa Roadmap; the Third United Nations Ocean Conference to be held in Nice, France in June 2025; as well the forthcoming (2025) review of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Like the AU’s ABES and its Action Plan for 2021–2025, these initiatives have gone almost unnoticed to most Africans, not least due to a perceived or real technicality of the issues and a seemingly entre-soi attitude that makes water affairs at the maritime or riparian levels appear to be the exclusive preserve of a narrow intellectual or security sector elite.

Where African maritime and marine sectors have been at the forefront of news cycles over the past two or so decades, it has essentially been for negative reasons such as piracy off the coasts of Somalia and the Gulf of Guinea, or other forms of sea-based criminality and illegal fishing by foreign countries and companies. As necessary and essential as combating these scourges may be, Africa now needs to look at more constructive strategies to sustainably utilise its marine resources and address its water challenges. This requires a shift in narrative and action.

Water spaces as the last frontier for African development and economic growth matter in the global sustainability project. At the heart of this are the needs of future generations. For this to happen in the water sector, at least three things must occur.

First, multi-stakeholder partnerships are required, involving government, private investors, non-governmental actors, communities and internationals to promote holistic approaches to the development of Africa’s blue economies to ensure awareness and understanding of the importance of water ecosystems and spaces in the lives of all around the continent. This must emphasise the participation of everyone in the preservation, protection and sustainable uses of water resources and spaces for the betterment of riverine and coastal communities, countries, and the continent at large.

Second, historical miseducation concerning Africa’s water resources must end. Mungo Park did not “discover” the River Niger, nor did David Livingstone “discover” the Victoria Falls. These were local water resources already in use by the local communities. The narrative of expropriation of Africa’s water resources foregrounded the appropriation of those resources subsequently by foreign interests, many of whom have gone on subsequently to toxify or pollute them through irresponsible exploitation that continues to endanger local communities.

Third, these acts of actual or constructive expropriation have fed alienation of local communities, leading to a deepening of pathologies of maritime insecurity across the continent. To end these, maritime security initiatives require both to be owned by African countries and also to involve local communities.

Finally, growth that is impactful and translates into the promised empowerment of African peoples, particularly youth and women, depends on the transformative exploitation of the continent’s marine, mining and agricultural resources; on improving road, rail, fluvial and port infrastructure and transports for efficient intra-African trade; and ensuring the training of an African expertise that can effectively understand and apply local knowledges, cultures, and contexts, because our waters are the gateways to our jobs and sovereignty.

Africa as a continent cannot afford to promise development to the next generations without the latter’s full participation and involvement from the design stage, and for the fullest benefit of peoples and communities. If current generations have not been raised to understand, protect, and sustainably utilise marine and inland water spaces and resources, all actors in society now must engage in acquisition and transmission of knowledge about oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes.