Dr. Suzan Mohamed El-Gharabawy is the Head of the Marine Geophysics Department at the National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Egypt. She is the director of the Technology Innovation Commercialization Office (NIOF-TICO) and Entrepreneurship Club. She is the Focal point of the UN-ISA project for promoting women empowerment and leadership in marine scientific research through enhancement of their role and participation in deep-sea research.
Her studies are on mapping the seafloor using marine geophysical techniques (Acoustic, Seismic, Gravity, and Magnetic) to prepare seabed classification and bathymetric maps, hydrocarbon exploration, archeological studies, and detecting the impact of climate change on the biodiversity along the Egyptian Coast. In addition to environmental impact assessment studies on the marine environments.
She had managed many scientific national and international research projects. Participates in many scientific international training programs and expeditions. Member of the editorial board of many international scientific journals. Publishing some scientific books and 20 scientific articles.