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Project Name: SP-SFIF: West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP)

Country: Cape Verde, Liberia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Mauritania, Senegal, Sierra Leon

Legal Name: SP-SFIF: West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP)

Context: The overall objective is to sustainably increase the overall wealth generated by the exploitation of the marine fisheries resources of West Africa, and the proportion of that wealth captured by West African countries.

Identifier: GEFID_3558

Project Type: Full-Size Project

Lead Implementing Agency: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (WB)

Project Name: Regional Coastal and Marine Conservation Programme for West Africa

Country: Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal, Sierra Leon

Legal Name: Partenariat R?gional pour la Conservation de la zone c?ti?re et Marine en Afrique de l'Ouest (PRCM)

Context: The Regional Partnership for Coastal and Marine Conservation (PRCM) is a coalition of actors working on the problems of the West African coastline and covering seven countries: Cape Verde, Gambia, Guinea Conakry, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Senega

Project Type: Conservation

Focal Area: International Waters

Thematic Areas: Biodiversity conservation, Improvement of Livelihoods

Contact Person:

Project Name: Africa Hydromet Program

Country: Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali, Senegal, Togo, Zambia, Djibouti, Ghana, Guinea, Cameroon, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Sierra Leon, Mali

Funds Source: World Bank (WB)

Legal Name: Africa Hydromet Program

Context: The Africa Hydromet Program is a partnership of development organizations working to improve weather, water, and climate services throughout Africa.

Project Type: Research

Focal Area: International Waters

Thematic Areas: Hydrology; Meteorology ; weather; water; climate

Project Name: SP-SFIF: West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP)

Legal Name: SP-SFIF: West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (WARFP)

Context: The overall objective is to sustainably increase the overall wealth generated by the exploitation of the marine fisheries resources of West Africa, and the proportion of that wealth captured by West African countries.

Identifier: GEFID_3558

Project Type: Full-Size Project

Start Date: 2001-09-20

Lead Implementing Agency: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (WB)