Events Calendar

Consultant for the IOC Capacity Development activities
From Wednesday 12 June 2024 -  08:00am
To Sunday 30 June 2024 - 05:00pm
Hits : 299
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are looking for a consultant to support and develop the different Capacity Development activities of the IOC.

the Individual Specialist shall:

  • Provide guidance and support in discussions considering the outcomes of the community surveys related to capacity development needs assessments at the programmatic and regional level;
  • Organize the 6th Session of the IOC Group of Experts on Capacity Development, September 2024;
  • Continue the implementation of the CD components of work plans of IOC’s regional subsidiary bodies with the IOC CD strategy, and with CD aspects of the IOC’s Global Ocean Science Report (GOSR), Ocean Best Practices System (OBPS), etc;
  • Liaise with the DCU and in advance of the recruitment by the DCU of a dedicated consultant to coordinate the Capacity Development Facility, serve as Acting Manager supporting the development and implementation of CDF work plan including the delivery of CD initiatives based on matchmaking of supply and demand within Decade endorsed actions and through existing IOC CD tools such as the Ocean CD-Hub and OTGA;
  • Sustain the extra-budgetary projects related to capacity development with developing/proposing project at regional and global level;
  • Guide and supervise the development and management of the Ocean CD-Hub;
  • Coordinate NORAD funded CD activities including the IOC Ocean Training Internships programme;
  • Implement communication and outreach for IOC’s CD, including managing CD-related mailing lists;
  • Regularly update the IOC CD web site and generate, publish and share CD-related social media content;
  • Liaise with, and support the project manager of the IOC Ocean Data and Information System, with CD related content discovery, and the design, implementation and analysis of online surveys of CD needs related to ODIS;
  • Liaise with, and support the implementation of the OceanTeacher Global Academy project, inter alia in the delivery of training courses, including the monitoring of teacher assessment and copyright compliance, alumni surveys, and overall OTGA course delivery and evaluation;

More information here 

Deadline to apply: 30 June 2024 (23: 59 CEST).

11 month contract