1410 matches(s) for Publications found  
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Illoul H., Masó, M. Figueroa, R.I. and Van Lenning, K. (2005) Detection of toxic Gymnodinium catenatum (Graham, 1943) in Algerian waters (SW Mediterranean Sea). Harmful Algae News, 29 10-12. publications and citations
Illoul, H., Masó, M., Fortuño, J-M, Cros, L., Morales-Blake, A. et Séridji, R. (2008) Potentially harmful microalgae in coastal waters of the Algiers area (Southern Mediterranean Sea). Cryptogamie Algologie. 29 (3): 261-278. publications and citations
Hassina Illoul, Francisco Rodríguez Hernández, Magda Vila, Nawel Adjas, Amel Aït younes, Mouna Bournissa, Akila Koroghli, Nadia Marouf, Sabah Rabia, and Fariza Lala Khadidja Ameur (2012) The Genus Ostreopsis along the Algerian Coastal Waters (SW Mediterranean Sea) associated with a Human Respiratory Intoxication Episode. Cryptogamie, Algologie 33(2):209-216. publications and citations
None publications and citations
Touahria, T., and Seridji, R. (2011) Monitoring of the potentially toxic genera Ostreopsis, Coolia and Prorocentrum (Dinophyceae) in the Bou Ismail Bay (Algerian coast). International Conference on Ostreopsis Development, Villefranche sur mer (France), April 2011. publications and citations
None publications and citations
None publications and citations
None publications and citations
Abdalla, M. and EL-Haweet, A.E. (2000): Stock assessment of sardine in the Egyptian Mediterranean water by Virtual population analysis: Case for the cost for the coast for Alexandria to Abo-qir, Egypt. J. Aquat. Biolx Fish. 4. No. 3: 173-191. publications and citations
Abdallah, M. (2002): Length-weight relationships of fishes caught by trawl fishing from the Egyptian Mediterranean waters, off Alexandria. NAGA, ICLARM, vol. 25(1): 19-20. publications and citations
Mehanna, S.F. and M. Abdallah, (2002) Population dynamics of the rabbitfish Siganus rivulatus from the Egyptian sector of the Red Sea. J. King Abdulaziz Univ. Mar. Sci., 13: 161-170. publications and citations