1410 matches(s) for Publications found  
Publication Title Description
Mlewa, C.M., Green, J.M. and Dunbrack, R. (2011). The General Natural History of the African Lungfishes. pp 97-127. In Jorgensen, J.M. & Joss, J. (Eds). The Biology of Lungfishes. Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire. ISBN: 978-1-57808-431-9. publications and citations
E.K. Mbaru, Mlewa, C.M. and Kimani, E. N. (2010). Length-weight relationship of 39 selected reef fishes in the Kenyan coastal artisanal fishery. Fisheries Research 106, 567-569. publications and citations
Nyamweya, C.S., Mlewa, C.M., Ngugi, C.C. and B. Kaunda-Arara. (2010). Validation of daily growth of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) young-of-the-year from Lake Baringo, Kenya. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management 15, 341-345. publications and citations
Gamoe, A. Kaunda-Arara, B. and Mlewa C.M. (2010). The influence of reef type and seasonality on population structure of coral reef fishes within Malindi Marine Park, Kenya. Marine Ecology 31, 494-505 publications and citations
Agembe, S., Mlewa, C.M. and Kaunda-Arara, B. (2010). Catch composition, abundance and length-weight relationships of groupers (Pisces: Serranidae) from inshore waters of Kenya. WIOMSA Journal of Marine Science 9(1), 91-102. publications and citations
Nyamweya, C.S., Mlewa, C.M. Ngugi, C.C. and B. Kaunda-Arara (2010). Daily growth of young-of-the-year Baringo tilapia Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis (Trewavas 1983). African Zoology 45(1), 139-143. publications and citations
Ngugi, C.C., Manyala, J.O., Njiru, M. and Mlewa, C.M. (2009). Some aspects of the biology of the stargazer mountain catfish, Amphilius uranoscopus (Pfeffer); (Siluriformes: Amphiliidae) indigenous to Kenya streams. African Journal of Ecology 47, 606-613. publications and citations
Mlewa, C.M., Green, J.M. and R. Dunbrack (2007). Are wild African lungfish obligate air breathers? Some evidence from radio telemetry. African Zoology 42(1), 131-134 publications and citations
Garner, S., T.P. Birt, C.M. Mlewa, J.M. Green, A. Seifert and V.L. Friesen (2006). Genetic variation in marbled lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus) in Lake Victoria and introduction to Lake Baringo, Kenya. Journal of Fish Biology 69(b), 189-199. publications and citations
Mlewa, C.M. and J.M. Green (2006). Translocation of marbled African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus (Teleostei: Protopteridae) and its fishery in Lake Baringo, Kenya. African Journal of Aquatic Science 31(1), 131-136. publications and citations
Dunbrack, R., J.M. Green and C.M. Mlewa (2006). Marbled lungfish growth rates in Lake Baringo, Kenya, estimated by mark-recapture. Journal of Fish Biology 68, 443-447 publications and citations
Mlewa, C.M., J.M. Green and A. Simms (2005). Movement and habitat use by the marbled lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus Heckel 1851 in Lake Baringo, Kenya. Hydrobiologia 537, 229-238. publications and citations
Mlewa, C.M. and J.M. Green (2004). Biology of the marbled African lungfish Protopterus aethiopicus Heckel in Lake Baringo, Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 42, 338-345. publications and citations
The Teleconnection between Sea Surface Temperature Analysis along Coastline of Lagos and Global Warming. National conference 1st -4th Nov 2010, Ilorin, Nigeria, Nigerian Meteorological Society. Pg 193-202 publications and citations
Application of Satellite Imagery in Operational forecasting for Aviation. International Conference on the Impact of Extreme Weather and Climate on Socio-Economic Development in Africa 11-15 Nov, 2007 Akure, Nigeria. publications and citations