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Browse Results
Project Name: Using Marine Spatial Planning in the Gulf of Guinea for the implementation of Payment for Ecosystem Services and Coastal Nature-basedSolutions
Funds Source: Global Environment facility (GEF)
Legal Name: Using Marine Spatial Planning in the Gulf of Guinea for the implementation of Payment for Ecosystem Services and Coastal Nature-
Context: To implement a regional mechanism for nature-based solution implementation for habitat restoration and maintenance using payment for ecosystem services inthe countries of Togo, C?te d'Ivoire, Ghana (Gulf of Guinea).
Identifier: 10875
Project Type: FSP
Focal Area: International Waters
Thematic Areas: Fisheries, Biomes, Mangrove, Seagrasses, Large Marine Ecosystems, Marine Protected Area, Infl uencing models, Demonstrate innovative approache, Deployinnovative fi nancial instruments, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Participation, P