Events Calendar

University of Eastern Finland –UN EnvironmentCourse on Multilateral Environmental Agreements
From Monday 14 October 2019
To Thursday 24 October 2019
Hits : 5366
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The University of   Eastern Finland (UEF) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment),   in   collaboration   with   the   University   of Siena, are   jointly organising a   high-profile   two-week Course  on  international  environmental  law-making  and diplomacy. The  course  will  take  place from 14  to  24 October 2019 at the University of Siena, Italy.

The course is  organised   in  collaboration   with  the  Government  of Finland.The Courseseeks to transferpast experience  in  the field of  international  environmental  law  to  current  and  future negotiators   of   multilateral   environmental   agreements (MEAs).  Each  Course  is  based  on  a  specific  theme. The Coursealsoprovides  a  forum  to  foster  North-South  co-operation  and  to  take  stock  of  recent  developments  in multilateral negotiations  as  well  as  in the implementation of  MEAs  and  diplomatic practices  in  the  international environmental arena.